Monday, June 29, 2015

Entering "The Picture"

In order to enter into "the Picture", the virtual reality in which The Light Brigade exist, some method of interfacing with the technology must be conceived. In the comics the characters plug themselves in via a socket in their arms, like an injection.  I am exploring this and other methods.

Headgear concepts:

Project Title: Reimagining 'The Light Brigade'

Reimagining 'The Light Brigade' for a live action film.

Characters of The Light Brigade on the cover of Trident Magazine
The Light Brigade is a comic series produced by Neil Gaiman and Nigel Kitching and published in Trident magazine in the late 1980's. 

Based in the year 2027, the story revolves around four children who have formed a renegade justice team to police the increasingly powerful 'Black Market' activities of an immersive online world called 'The Picture'. Anyone can plug into The Picture and enter a second world where possibilities are endless, for business and pleasure both. The children's real world identities remain a mystery to each other and to the authorities who seek to put an end to their interference; unlike the other users of The Picture their appearances do not reflect their real life appearances. They are able to manipulate The Picture instinctively, guided by an incredibly powerful entity known as Shine, who guides them to their next challenges. This character is even more elusive than the four warriors and his/her objectives are unknown even to the team.

The children are each motivated differently by the difficulties and limitations they face in their real world lives. Though their Picture avatars are powerful, in the real world they are as vulnerable as any other children. Big Business, organised crime, Law and Order, remnants of world governments - all are waiting to take over when The Black Market subsumes The Picture, so all have a vested interest in discovering - and putting an end to - the people behind The Light Brigade warriors.

Character 1 - "The Brat"

8 years old, the youngest of the warriors. He is a genetically engineered clone of the creator of The Picture, one of 500 who live together in a compound.

Real World Appearance:
Sketches to decide on face and uniform

uniform iterations
Character 2: "The Captain"

14 years old, the first one to meet Shine, she likes to think of herself as the leader of The Light Brigade (although the others may not agree). She isn't the best looking teenager. Entering The Picture is her way of becoming the strong, confident woman she longs to be seen as.

face, body and clothing sketches

style iterations

Character 3: "The Skully"